Solutions Enhanced: Capital Market Assumptions 2022 Making a transition

A stack of coins against a background of charts and figures

The end of 2021 saw a continuing reminder of the impact of coronavirus, inflation occurring in major economies, and the world waking up to the stark choices presented by the climate emergency. We set out the expectations for what all this could mean for investors over the next five years and in the longer run. These capital market assumptions form the base case we use when constructing strategic asset allocations for clients.

Des solutions pour 2021 : s’adapter à une nouvelle normalité

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Quels types de solutions personnalisées nos clients institutionnels et sous-conseillers recherchent-ils dans le monde d’aujourd’hui marqué par une pénurie de rendements, des défaillances fréquentes et un vieillissement de la population ? Alors que les rendements de la dette souveraine des pays développés n’ont jamais été aussi faibles, la diversification traditionnelle dans les obligations et le crédit n’est plus aussi efficace.

What the US election means for markets… and what it doesn’t!

The election cycle will increase short-term volatility, but we don’t believe it will have much influence on market averages over the long term.

Summer slumber soothes markets

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Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.