The world’s facing much geopolitical uncertainty. We’ve been engaging with companies on their exposure to high-risk areas like Myanmar, Sudan, Russia, and Ukraine.
In recent years, we have seen increasing global attention on geopolitical risk. As a result, we have been engaging our investee companies with ties to Conflict-Affected High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs).
As outlined in our previous conflict risk pieces on Myanmar and Russia’s war on Ukraine, we focus on how they are mapping their operations and supply chains, conducting human rights due diligence and ensuring they are upholding the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. While we note that the following countries are not the only ones impacted by ongoing geopolitical conflict, we focus on the areas where we have the most exposure and, thus, the greatest investor impact.
Interested in learning more?
Navigating geopolitical uncertainties will be an engagement theme throughout 2023. Read more about how conflicts in Myanmar and Ukraine are impacting on company supply chains and our ongoing engagement efforts. Download the full document to discover more.